
Pogoplug(E02 & V4) - Arch Linux, Samba, Webmin and service

Table of Contents


  • If you get a command not found for “wget” or “reboot”, try adding “busybox” in front of the command - “busybox wget http://xxx”, “busybox shutdown”.
  • For easy reference I have included all commands which needs to be executed in blue.
  • For easy reference I have included screen shots as applicable, click to enlarge the image.
  • These instructions will void your warranty. While every precaution is taken to ensure nothing bad happens and noting down the instructions based on what I tried in couple of my pogoplug devices, all actions are at your own risk, If you do any of these instructions incorrect you may brick your pogoplug, This is not to scare you but be cautious.
  • Make sure you have few hours as this process takes time if you wish to do all steps.
  • ALL CREDIT to Qui for his awesome blog, This is just my customized version copied from his blog.

Register your pogoplug device

Enable SSH access to your pogoplug device

  • Login into ‘'

  • Click setting icon on top right hand corner - > Settings - > Security - > “Enable SSH access for this Pogoplug device”

  • Enable SSH

Install ARCH Linux

  • Plug in the Pogoplug without any USB drive attached.

  • SSH into Pogoplug using putty or similar SSH clients, You should also know the IP address of pogoplug to SSH which can be found from your router setting.

  • Log in as root/ceadmin (The password might be different if you have changed this in when enabling SSH).

  • SSH Login using Putty

  • Stop the Pogoplug Software\Service

    killall hbwd
  • Install UBoot (This step is different for E02 and V4 models, So please select the correct one based on the device you have)

Instructions for E02 Model

cd /tmp
chmod +x
Would you like to disable the Pogoplug services? [Y/n]

Instructions V4 Model

  • Download the install script

    cd /tmp
    chmod +x
  • Plug in USB Flash Drive into the back bottom USB port (For E02 Model), Into top USB port (Port near SATA port for V4 Models)

  • Partition your USB Flash Drive

    /sbin/fdisk /dev/sda
    p # list current partitions
    o # to delete all partitions
    n # new partition
    p # primary partition
    1 (one) # first partition
    <enter> # default start block
    <enter> # default end block (to use the whole drive, I used +8G as i am using a 16 GB flash drive)
    w # write new partition to disk
  • Format USB Flash Drive

    cd /tmp
    chmod 755 mke2fs
  • Format and label partition

    ./mke2fs -L ROOTFS -j /dev/sda1
  • Mount USB flash drive

    mkdir -p /tmp/usb
    mount /dev/sda1 /tmp/usb
  • Download Arch Linux ARM (aka ALARM) and extract to USB Drive

    cd /tmp/usb
    tar -xzvf ArchLinuxARM-kirkwood-*.tar.gz
    rm ArchLinuxARM-kirkwood-*.tar.gz
    sync  # Takes a while when using a flash drive
    cd ..
    umount /tmp/usb
  • Update uboot env varibles, Have uboot mount partition as ext3 (Applicable for E02 only)

    /usr/sbin/fw_setenv usb_rootfstype ext3
  • Correct machid - make LED Green versus Orange (Applicable for E02 only)

    /usr/sbin/fw_setenv machid dd6

After reboot, Give it a minute or two and the SSH back into your Pogoplug and login with the username and password of root/root, If login works that means your Installation is SUCCESS.

Initial Arch Linux ARM Configuration and Package Installation

  • Upgrade Kernal and Install some initial packages

    pacman -Syu linux-kirkwood linux-kirkwood-headers ntp base-devel nano wget rsync 
    • Just press enter for ‘Enter a selection (default=all):’
    • Just press ‘Y’ for ‘Proceed with installation? [Y/n] Y’
    • This process may run for a while

Misc System setup

  • Issue below command to keep your packages updated

    pacman -Syu
  • Issue below command to change your host name

    hostnamectl set-hostname myhostname
  • Issue below commands to list all time zone & to change to your time zone

    timedatectl list-timezones
    timedatectl set-timezone America/Chicago
  • Autostart NTPD(Network Time Protocol daemon), Pogoplug don’t have hardware clock

    systemctl enable ntpd
    systemctl start ntpd
  • Force time update after network starts

    echo "ExecUpPost='/usr/bin/ntpdate -u'">>/etc/netctl/eth0
  • Add ROOTFS to fstab so fsck will run when needed

    echo "LABEL=ROOTFS / ext3 rw,noatime 0 1" >> /etc/fstab

USB Auto Mount and SAMBA

  • Install udevil

    pacman -Sy udevil
  • Update udevil.conf for better Speed, Edit /etc/udevil/udevil.conf (I use winscp for editing config files, but you can use VI or Nano editor), We need add “big_writes” in default_options_ntfs= and allowed_options=, Updated lines will look like below screenshot.

  • Create media dir, add the udevil service to autostart and reboot the device. Any hard disk connected will show inside this media folder.

    mkdir /media
    systemctl enable devmon@root
  • Connect a hard disk now to any of the open USB port and Issue mount command to verify the hard disk is coming up in media folder.


Install & Setup SAMBA Server

*** The instructions below assumes you have ALARM installed on the first partition of your USB hard drive. Replace “/dev/sda2” (second partition on first hd) with “/dev/sdb1” (first partition second hard drive) if you have ALARM installed on a USB Flash Drive and adding a new USB Hard Drive for SAMBA.

*** Create a 2nd Partition on your USB Drive (Remember we used 16 GB drive and allocated 8 GB for ARM partition, we will now use the remaining space for this setup)

/sbin/fdisk /dev/sda

p       # list current partitions
n       # new partition
p       # primary partition
<enter> # default to second partition
<enter> # default start block
<enter> # default end block #use the whole flash drive

w       # write new partition to disk
  • Label new partition as USB

    mkfs.ext3 -L USB /dev/sda2
  • Mount the disk and 2nd partition

    mkdir -p /media/usb
    mount /dev/sda2 /media/usb
  • install samba and upgrade everything

    pacman -Syu samba
  • Create folder we’ll be sharing

    mkdir -p /media/usb/share
  • Download sample smb.conf

    cd /etc/samba
  • Edit smb.conf (optional) to change name and to add additional shares

  • Start samba

    systemctl start smbd nmbd
  • Mount after reboot

    echo "LABEL=USB /media/usb ext3 rw,noatime,nofail 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
  • Start samba

    systemctl start smbd nmbd
  • Autostart samba on reboot

    systemctl enable smbd nmbd
  • Test Samba now from your computer now

  • Reboot and test


Install webmin

  • Install webmin

    pacman -Sy webmin perl-net-ssleay nano
  • Edit config file to add below two lines which handles access, Config file name is /etc/webmin/miniserv.conf (I am using winscp to edit, you could use VI or Nano)

    allow= ## Allow local access
    allow= ## Allows all users from -
  • Start webmin

    systemctl start webmin
  • Auto start after reboot

    systemctl enable webmin
  • Test Webmin (Login using your root id\password which is root\root)


Re-install service (This allows to use

  • Install pogoplug software

    pacman -U
  • Download sample pogoplug.conf file

    cd /etc
  • Edit configuration file *** Edit ’etc/pogoplug.conf’, vfsdir0, If needed add more lines to add your hard drive location from media folder *** Add svcid (ID) from the bottom of your PogoPlug (no dashes)

  • Start pogoplug service

    systemctl start pogoplug
  • Autostart pogoplug service on reboot

    systemctl enable pogoplug
  • Reboot and register at


Helpful Tips

*** Sample command to restart a application “systemctl restart pogoplug”

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