
Migrate from Blogger to Hugo and host in AWS using S3, CloudFront, Certificate Manager and Route 53

Table of Contents

I have been hosting my blog in Google Blogger for a long time, It is still one of the easy ways to host blogs without having to spend on monthly fees (apart from the domain fees, if you need a custom domain). Working in AWS tools and technology gave me this idea of migrating my blog from Blogger to AWS. In this article we will see the steps to migrate blogs from Google Blogger to Hugo and host in AWS using S3, CloudFront, Certificate Manager and Route 53.

Step 1: Export blog and create .md files

  • Login into blogger at

  • Click Theme –> ... in My Theme —> Backup –> Download

  • Use a Blogger Migration tool like blogger-to-hugo to generate .md files required for Hugo. I used blogger-to-hugo for my migration. Download blogger-to-hugo

  • Install blogger-to-hugo

    cd C:\Users\admin\Downloads\petraszd-blogger-to-hugo-5ee6b9cea64b\petraszd-blogger-to-hugo-5ee6b9cea64b
    python install
  • Run blogger-to-hugo, This needs path for input xml file and output folder

    blogger-to-hugo C:\Users\admin\Downloads\blog-05-09-2020.xml C:\Users\admin\Downloads\blog-05-09-2020
  • Target folder will have the required .md file. Review them carefully for any errors. I had to go over each .md file to clear errors. Review can wait until we install Hugo and test them, since at this point we may not know if we have any errors

Step 2: Install Hugo

Install Hugo for your platform, See for more details. Here are the steps to install Hugo in windows

  • Open PowerShell and issue command

    choco install hugo -confirm 
  • Install hugo-extended version

    choco install hugo-extended -confirm
  • Test the installation

    hugo version

Step 3: Create Hugo site

  • Create a new directory (say HugoProject) for all Hugo projects in a location you prefer

    mkdir HugoProject
  • Navigate to HugoProject

    cd C:\Users\admin\HugoProject
  • Create a new site using below command. This will create a directory structure with all required folders for the new site

    hugo new site
  • Successful creation will give below message

    Congratulations! Your new Hugo site is created in C:\Users\admin\HugoProject\
    Just a few more steps and you're ready to go:
    1. Download a theme into the same-named folder.
       Choose a theme from or
       create your own with the "hugo new theme <THEMENAME>" command.
    2. Perhaps you want to add some content. You can add single files
       with "hugo new <SECTIONNAME>\<FILENAME>.<FORMAT>".
    3. Start the built-in live server via "hugo server".
    Visit for quickstart guide and full documentation.
    PS C:\Users\admin\HugoProject> 
  • Navigate to the directory of new hugo site

  • Initialize git

    git init
  • Download and install theme from You can select the theme which you like

    mkdir themes
    cd themes
    git submodule add hugo-theme-console
  • Set theme parameter in your config file

    theme = "hugo-theme-console"
  • Copy the contents from themes\<theme-name>\exampleSite to hugo site folder

  • Make changes to .md files in \content as per your requirements. You can also create new posts using command

    hugo new posts/
  • Copy the output from blogger-to-hugo to \content\posts folder.

  • Start Hugo server and validate your site locally

    hugo server --disableFastRender --buildDrafts

Step 4: Deploy the site to S3

  • Login into your AWS Management Console and go to AWS S3. Create an S3 bucket with the name same your full domain name, say Remember to replace with your domain name. This is applicable for all the steps in this article.

  • Create Hugo Deployment target in config.toml for S3

    # Name for this target.
    name = ""
    URL = "S3://"
  • Build hugo using below command. This will create public folder with all static files

  • Deploy files to S3 using below command. Make sure your machine has AWS CLI access before running this command. See Quickly configuring the AWS CLI for more details on how to configure AWS CLI

    hugo deploy

Step 4a: Change AWS S3 Bucket policy

  • In Amazon S3 –> Select the bucket –> Permissions –> Block public access and turn off Block all public access

  • In Amazon S3 –> Select the bucket –> Permissions –> Bucket Policy –> Add below policy

        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject",
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Principal": "*",
                "Action": "S3:GetObject",
                "Resource": "*"

Step 4b: Enable static web hosting in S3

Login into your AWS Management Console and go to AWS S3

  • In Amazon S3 –> Select the bucket –> Properties –> Static website hosting –> Use this bucket to host a website

  • Make sure to update the “Index document” name. In most cases it will be index.html

Step 5: Create a Hosted Zone in AWS Route 53

Login into your AWS Management Console and go to Route 53

  • In Route 53 –> Click Hosted zones – > Click Create Hosted Zone

  • Fill in naked domain name (without www, so it will be and select Type as Public Hosted Zone and click on create

Step 6: Create public certificate for your domain

Login into your AWS Management Console and go to Certificate Manager

  • In Certificate Manager –> Click Request certificate –> Request a public certificate –> Here add 3 entries, one for full domain name, one for naked domain name and one for wild card domain name * –> Click DNS validation –> Review –> Confirm and request

  • In Certificate Manager –> Click the certificate for –> Expand the Domain table –> Click on Create record in Route 53 on all 3 entries (full domain, naked domain and wild card domain)

This should add a CNAME (Canonical Name record is a type of resource record in the Domain Name System which maps one domain name to another) record in the Hosted Zone.

We should wait for “Pending validation” status in Certificate Manager to change to “Success” before proceeding to next steps. This could take 24-48 hours, please see for more details

Step 7: Create CloudFront distribution

  • Copy the endpoint from static webhosting and use it to create a new CloudFront distribution. Remember here “Origin Domain Name” should the endpoint from static webhosting of S3 and not the S3 bucket itself.

  • Select Redirect HTTP to HTTPS in Viewer Protocol Policy

  • Select Yes in Compress Objects Automatically

  • Fill Alternate Domain Names (CNAMEs) with full domain name

  • Select Custom SSL Certificate ( in SSL Certificate and select the certificate which was created in “Step 5: Create public certificate for your domain”

  • Fill Comment with full domain name

  • Click on Create Distribution

  • After CloudFront distribution creation is complete, Copy the Domain Name from CloudFront distribution

Step 8: Update Route 53

  • Go to Route 53 –> Click on Hosted zones –> Click on the Hosted zone which we created

  • Add a record set for the full domain name

Name www
Type A
Alias Yes
Alias Target Domain name from CloudFront distribution
Routing Policy Simple
Evaluate Target Health No

You domain should be live in about 30 minutes. Please read How To redirect naked domain to full domain in AWS to setup naked domain for your blog.

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